Schulmerich® Handbells are built to last, but from time to time, they may need refurbishment. To preserve your warranty and protect your investment in your Schulmerich instruments, in addition to performing refurbishment work here at the factory, we’ve established Authorized Refurbishment Centers, whose work will be performed under factory supervision. Work performed either by Schulmerich or at our Authorized Refurbishment Centers will continue to receive Schulmerich's lifetime warranty on our handbells and will be backed by the full force of the company's tradition of customer service.
Authorized Refurbishment Centers outside the factory
Ringmaster Services - Al Paul (VA)
Texas Bell Ranch - Thomas Smith (TX)
Please note that our Authorized Refurbishment Centers – and Schulmerich itself – have a uniform pricing schedule for refurbishment work.
Simple Process
We’ve also made it easier than ever for customers to ship their bells straight to Schulmerich. We’ve negotiated deeply discounted rates ($120 per octave round trip) with our shipping carrier. We use our substantial buying power to insure our customers’ bells from the moment they leave our customers' facilities to the moment the bells are returned to our customers. We provide boxes and labels for easy pickup and delivery of the bells. It's never been simpler to have your bells serviced by the people who made them. CRSP (Convenient Refurbishment Shipping Program) is designed for the Continental US only. Alaska, Hawaii and foreign countries are calculated at current shipping prices.
Refurbishment Levels
There are several levels of Handbell Refurbishment available, as well as MelodyChime Service. All of our facilities will now use our optimal polishing method to ensure uniform instrument tuning to our exacting standards. Because this method is less aggressive than other methods, natural blemishes or marks might remain on an aging casting, even after polishing. We will not polish a casting in a way that removes a blemish, but degrades sound quality. Click here for additional information and pricing.
Schedule Now
All handbell refurbishments, whether performed by our Authorized Refurbishment Centers or by Schulmerich, must be arranged through Schulmerich’s Handbell Refurbishment Coordinator. Click here or call (215) 257-2771 Ext.123 today to schedule your refurbishment.